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Browse this FAQ list to find answers of the most common questions. We have tried to be as comprehensive as possible, but please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need more information.

  • What is the Summary Panel?
    The summary page gives the end user a snapshot of your overall monthly financial picture. (Total Income - Total Expenses = Surplus or Shortage)
  • What is SETUP?
    ? During the initial setup phase, the end user will input their financial data (income(s), expense(s), and savings). Data will appear once the end user has completed the wizard setup.
  • What is TOTAL INCOME?
    The total income submitted by the end user within the setup wizard.
  • What is TOTAL EXPENSE?
    The total expenses submitted by the end user within the setup wizard.
  • What is SURPLUS?
    Overage from the total income minus the total expenses (more income than expenses)
    The total savings submitted by the end user in the setup wizard (i.e. – savings, emergency funds, and/or 3-6 months savings)
    The end user input the current balance of their checking account (take into consideration of any pending transactions).
  • What is the Income Wizard Panel?
    This panel is where the end user input all their income.
    The end users are to input their checking current balance as it appears in their personal checking account. *This is to assure that the end user has an accurate financial picture.
  • What is FREQUENCY?
    This field allows the end users to input their income and the frequency of that income.
  • What is PAY DATE?
    The next pay day for your employer(s).
  • What is END DATE?
    When the end user terminates employment with that company.
  • What is SAVE?
    This will allow the end user to input and save the data.
  • What is the Income List Panel?
    This panel lists all the income the end user submitted in the income wizard.
  • What is the edit button?
    This button will allow the end user to make changes to any of the data on the Income List panel.
  • What is ADD MORE INCOME?
    The end user can add more income to this income list. By selecting this button, the end user will be sent to the Income Wizard panel which will allow them to input additional income.
  • What is the Expense Wizard Panel?
    This panel is where the end user input all their expenses.
  • What is FREQUENCY?
    This field allows the end users to input their expenses and the frequency of that expense.
  • What is CATERGORY?
    This field allows the end user to categorize their expenses. Examples:
  • What is SAVE?
    This will allow the end user to input and save the data.
  • What is the Expense List Panel?
    This panel lists all the expenses the end user submitted in the expense wizard. The edit button will allow the end user to make changes to any of the data on the Expense List panel. ADD MORE EXPENSE: the end user can add more expenses to this expense list. By selecting this button, the end user will be sent to the Expense Wizard panel which will allow them to input additional expenses.
  • What is the Savings Wizard Panel?
    This panel will allow the end users to input their current savings, the amount as well as the bank name.
  • What is 3-6 MONTH SAVINGS?
    The amount of money needed to meet your basic living needs for the next 3 to 6 months. *i.e. - basic living needs: housing, food, utilities, gas, etc. What are EMERGENCY FUNDS? the money to respond to financial emergencies. *i.e. – car repair, home repair, etc.
  • What is SAVE?
    This will allow the end user to input and save the data.
  • What is the Calendar View Panel?
    The end user can switch between two views, daily and monthly. Using the input submitted from the end user, the daily view will subtract expenses on date of given expense and calculate new checking balance. Payday count down until next payday, data used in the income wizard to determine when next payday is Surplus/shortage determine by income and expense. This will update as end user add unexpected income or expenses on any given day. The monthly view uses a monthly calendar and allows the using to see the entire calendar of any given month. End user can click on any date to see current project bills, income or surplus/shortage
  • What is the Graph View Panel?
    The end user will see their overall financial picture for any given month.
  • What date should I use for Expense Due date? Should I use the posted date when I think a bill(s) normally clears the bank?
    You should always use the Due Date of any bill. Why? Due dates may change, but the date a bill clears your financial institution can vary month to month. A bill can clear/post to your bank anywhere from the due date up to 5 days. The 30-day rule still applies for phone bills, but not cable or credit cards. Each has its own set of rules. State regulations apply to phone bills and cable bills, but credit cards are subject to federal law. The rules for credit cards are laid out in the federal CARD Act, which took effect in 2010. The law says consumers must be sent a credit card bill at least 21 days before it is due. Payments should be due on the same day each month. When a due date falls on a weekend or holiday, it is extended to the next business day.
  • What happens if I do not put an End Date for an Income and/or Expense?
    If a frequency is selected along with no End Date, the Income and/or Expense will continue to repeat based on the frequency selected.
  • Does the app work in manual mode?
    Yes, but you will have to select N/A for frequency for Income and/Expense. The app was designed to help you track when repeated Income and Expense(s) are paid/due respectively.
  • What if I start a job, get laid off and then start the same job again, how do I track that?"
    Job 1 will have an End Date, DO NOT restart or change the End Date of Job 1. You should start a new entry, you can use the same Job title, but for tracking purpose, it is best to give it a new name. Title could be Job1(After lay-off). Or rename the Job1 to Job1(laid off) and when the lay-off is over Job1 create a new Job1 entry.
  • Is there a way to complete a budget for repeating bills that are not the same amount, like groceries?"
    Yes, create an entry and have the Expense repeat based on the Frequency needed. When you select that entry on any given date, update the amount and then select “This occurrence” This will allow the one entry you need updating without impacting past and future entries.
  • Is it best to have repeating Expense to repeat or just do an entry when I pay for that particular expense?
    This is up to the user. The repeating future allows you to use the Calendar Daily view to see your balance and anticipated expenses on any given day. Without the repeating entries, the app cannot predict your Checking Balance on any given day accurately.
  • I have a recurring expense, water bill, and someone paid if for me this month. How to I enter that in the app?"
    Select the date where someone paid for your water bill, enter $0.00 and select for Just this Occurrence only. Or Delete that occurrence. Click Delete and select This Occurrence.
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